Founder's Message
Athawale college of social work, Chimur was established on 3rd September 1992 for mitigating the problems of education in the rural areas. From the beginning I had been thinking of a college with the aim and purpose of serving the society and its students. I firmly believes that real education should involve in Man Building task than memory Building. The education should tune up the students minds for originality and creativity. The education should be properly trained and encouraged to face the problems. The important objective of the education is to develop complete personality of the students. Students should be encouraged to participate in the extracurricular activities namely NSS, dance, drama, debate, Street plays, indoor and outdoor games etc. So that this experience makes them stand in good stead for taking the challenge of life. I would like extend my warm greetings and best wishes to all the ex-students. I also pray the almighty god for the prosperous life of students.
Late Dr. Chandansingh Rotele